Sunday, September 16, 2007

Raise Your Hand If You Are Sick

Is everyone sick this week? I have had a horrible headache and a sore throat. It seems every other day I feel okay, but then I want to crash around 9PM. Someone suggested it is the weather change that is making everyone not feel so well. I think it might be, because it doesn't feel like I have a cold... I just don't feel good. To feel better I will post one of my favorite paintings:

Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte
by George Seurat


Anonymous said...

my hand just came down. I had viral meningitis all last week and just got better.


William said...

I'm raising my hand, but it's because I love that painting...but you know that.

At Work:
"Will, what's your favorite musical?" -A co-boss
"'Sunday in the Park With George.'" -Me
::blank stares from all 5 co-workers, including my boss...who runs a musical theatre's box office::
"You've got to be f-ing kidding me!" -My brain

I have a sore toof, though (the sodie's hurting my teef). That's kinda like being sick.

William said...


Clicking on our blogs today is very funny. Yours is lightly colored and featured "La Grande Jatte." Mine is dark and littered with the Joker. Ying & Yang, we are!

Only not: we're the same person.

Michelle said...

Mmmm, love that painting, also tentatively lowering my hand (I'm getting over this weird cold/flu thing I had last week).

I wish I liked Sunday in the Park with George. I need to see it, I think.

A to the S said...


The musical is your dream come true. I know you would want to be Dot in real life. It is for sure a visual show, so if it ever comes back to Chicago, I will take you.