After falling asleep twice, I finally got through The Rise and Fall of Mahagonny featuring Patti LuPone (that bitch needs to be named first), and Audra McDonald on PBS. The four of us reunited...hey, did anyone else just notice they both have two capital letters in their last names?....weird. So this is Brecht (playwright) at his finest, and perhaps John Doyle (director) at his finest as well. The singing: outstanding , the staging: stunning, and the writing: poignant.

Okay, next piece of work: Seascape by Edward Albee. After several breaks at work, I finished reading this play. It is a tame play for Albee. It seems restrained, but still gets all of his points across. It's kinda like a Shaw play, very didactic with almost no action. I liked it, though. It was a nice read. I dunno how it would work on stage. I will have to keep my eye out for a production of it.

I've never read "Seascape," but that production picture makes me want to.
"What did you do tonight?" -Sam
"Got Anna drunk & watched an opera while she slept." -Me
Love ya!
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